Candlestick in the Library, Middleborough Public Library

Re-scheduled from January! Adults Can Craft a Whodunit Murder Mystery.

Ever wonder how mystery authors come up with their plots, characters, and red herrings? Wonder no more—attend Candlestick in the Library and be part of the audience that will participate in the improvisational making of a murder mystery!

We’re offering two age-appropriate sessions of this program, on Sat., May 7: one for adults at 10:00 a.m., and one for teens in grades 5–8 at 1:00 p.m. (See more teen details further down in the newsletter).

Join us for a session of murder, mystery, mayhem and fun led by Jeannette de Beauvoir, author of the Sydney Riley Provincetown mystery series. Participants will help supply the victims, sidekick, murderer and more, eventually putting the entire story together.

Throughout the event. de Beauvoir will weave in information about the mystery genre and the craft: the difference between a cozv and a procedural; the importance of sense of place; the formation of characters; and the plot, which most certainly will include a twist.

In less than 90 minutes, vou'll have created a (semi)-coherent story to rival Agatha Christie—but having a lot more fun than Agatha ever did!

De Beauvoir is a best-selling novelist whose characters uncover truths and occasional dark secrets via mysterv. historical, and literary fiction. Her work has been translated into 12 languages and she’s been a BookSense Book-of-the-Year finalist. She also writes a blog on her own website, and at Goodreads, and her articles appear reqularly on LinkedIn and Medium.

This program is generously supported by the Friends of the Middleborough Public Library, and is free to attend. Registration is required and seating is limited. Call 508/946-2470 or email Reference/Adult Services Librarian Libby Fox.

For youth in grades 5–8, call the Library or email Teen Librarian Christine Dargelis to sign up for the teen session.


Interview, Frequency 99


Panel Presentation on Setting Mysteries in Small Towns, Massachusetts Small Libraries Forum 2021