
I write a lot. Essays. Articles. Blog posts. All of them sharing what I’m thinking about. Maybe you think about these things, too.

Can you see the light?
Jeannette de Beauvoir Jeannette de Beauvoir

Can you see the light?

I’m not a visual artist, but I live among them. And I saw how, historically, this place has attracted painters for over a century and a half. Made it into an art colony. Nurtured talent that exploded all over the world.

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Do You Care? Here’s How
Jeannette de Beauvoir Jeannette de Beauvoir

Do You Care? Here’s How

But, importantly, they do not make any of those feelings or situations about you: they create a reality in which you are part of the characters’ lives, emotions, and cares.

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Why do the Arts Matter?
Jeannette de Beauvoir Jeannette de Beauvoir

Why do the Arts Matter?

In ancient Greece, art and music were deemed the only channels to communicate with the gods. I think they were on to something.

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Moving Beyond Disaster-Think
Jeannette de Beauvoir Jeannette de Beauvoir

Moving Beyond Disaster-Think

Our new role: conservationists of the paintings and symphonies and books and performances that express humanity’s greatest ideas and emotions, protecting the ones that exist and creating more, no matter what the difficulty, no matter if it breaks our hearts.

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Is It Real? Is It a Forgery? Does Anyone Even Know?
About The World Jeannette de Beauvoir About The World Jeannette de Beauvoir

Is It Real? Is It a Forgery? Does Anyone Even Know?

I’ve been immersed in the world of high-end art forgeries, and as usual am following every rabbit down every hole in sight. Some of the most high-profile art forgers went on to become celebrities in their own right, with plenty of contemporary collectors still willing to knowingly pay thousands for counterfeits.

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